Yellow Trophies

by Thomas Kielty Blomain

120 Pages, 6 x 9

Library of Congress Control Number:  2016939029

ISBN:  978-1-63045-029-8

Publication Date:  08/29/2016

Press Release

HD Cover for Reviews

Cover Art:  cover and author photos
by Mark Migliore



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At times funny and at times savage, sometimes implacable and sometimes resigned, Yellow Trophies is a deep-mine exploration of bittersweet ironies. It is a cohesive composition of random notes on chaos theory and childhood mischief; a defiant sneer at the changeless guards of corruption; an echo from reverberating myths of vague ancestors and youthful excess; a document of the glory of loss. Equal parts testimony, insult, love letter, challenge, and apology, it is a partial list of what gets left behind and what gets carried forward, itemized while swallowing the inevitable regrets we all need to develop a taste for—set in the curious vortex and vacuum of Scranton, Pennsylvania.